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Indonesian Student Association
Indonesia is a country located at South East Asia. Indonesia has five major islands and it is also one of the most populous countries the world, which there are many Indonesians came to Taiwan for its higher education. Most of the Indonesian students joined Indonesian Student Organization in each of their own university in Taiwan.In Tamkang University, there is also an Indonesian Student Organization with the name of “TKUISA” which stands for Tamkang University Indonesian Student Association. TKUISA characterized with “Togetherness”, “Teamwork” and the most important is “Family”. Though each of our member’s family is located a thousand miles away from Taiwan, TKUISA always give the warmth feeling as a “Family” which made TKUISA members jubilant and loved.
In each of every semester, TKUISA organized some events. Those events are
歡迎派對Welcoming party

校慶園遊會 擺攤 School Festival

淡水八里一日遊 - 騎腳踏車 Fun Bike


新年餐聚Chinese New Year Dinner Party

送舊 Graduation Party

校慶園遊會 擺攤 School Festival

淡水八里一日遊 - 騎腳踏車 Fun Bike


新年餐聚Chinese New Year Dinner Party

送舊 Graduation Party