Accommodation |
- Freshman Accommodation Policy
- • Students from department of Global Politic Economic, Tourism, Computer Science Englsih taught program, and Eglish, Eglish taught program, only need to register on the following form for dormitory. If you do not sign up the form, we will consider you waive the right of accommodation.
• The student from the departments other than the departments mentioned previously will need to fill in the same form and join a random drawing for the dormitory bed space.
• The registration form: (We will close the form at 11PM, August 12th.)
• The result will be announced on August 15th
• The accommodation fee payment website:
• Applicants must inform the Officie of International and Mainland Student Guidance Section (OIM) if they want to give away the bed space, or to postpone the check in. Applicants with the metioned decision mentioned in the previous sentence withouht informing the OIM will be considered as waiving their rights of living in the dormitory regardless their payment has done or not.
- • Students from department of Global Politic Economic, Tourism, Computer Science Englsih taught program, and Eglish, Eglish taught program will be staying in the Tamkang Dormiotry where have separated floor and under monitoring. The female and male's floors are not intercommunicatable.