2025 Overseas Chinese and Foreign Students Campus Job Fair
壹、 活動目的Purpose
In line with government’s policy of “educating, recruiting, and retaining talented international students” and to provide job search support for overseas Chinese and international students and alumni in Taiwan, the Ministry of Education invites companies from a variety of industries to participate in this campus job fair and provide job and internship opportunities. Through this initiative, the government seeks to advance Taiwan's social and economic development by working with corporations to provide international graduates with business trend information and adaptive employment.
貳、 主辦機關 Organizer
教育部Ministry of Education
參、 承辦單位 Implementer
教育部人才資料庫計畫辦公室SIT (Study in Taiwan) Taiwan Alumni Database Office
肆、 參加對象Participants
二、全國各大專院校之僑生、外國學生及校友Overseas Chinese and foreign students and alumni from all universities and colleges in Taiwan
伍、 活動內容Event Content
活動日程及地點Schedule and Location 場次
場次 Session |
日期 Date |
時間 Time |
地點 Venue |
臺南 Tainan |
114年2月14日 星期五 Friday, February 14, 2025 |
13:30-16:30 |
國立臺南大學體育室 Office of Physical Education, National University of Tainan |
臺北 Taipei |
114年2月21日 星期五 Friday, February 21, 2025 |
13:30-16:30 |
集思交通部會議中心-5樓集會堂 5F Auditorium, GIS MOTC Convention Center |
Registration Deadline (registration will also be open on-site):
Tainan Session: February 14, 2025
Taipei Session: February 21, 2025
Online Registration:
Tainan Session: https://www.accupass.com/event/2408220234131040493810
Taipei Session: https://www.accupass.com/event/2408220206351588155456
聯絡資訊:SIT (Study in Taiwan) 人才資料庫計畫辦公室
Contact: SIT (Study in Taiwan) Taiwan Alumni Database Office
陳沛吟小姐 Peggy Chen | 02-22368225 #84216 | peiyin@mail.shu.edu.tw |
王思雯小姐 Tiffany Wang | 02-22368225 #84217 | wenwang@mail.shu.edu.tw |