自主健康管理期間應注意事項 Self-Health Management Notice

During self-health management, you should:
  1. 須進行遠端學習,結束7天自主健康管理才可返回校園上課或申辦各項行政業務。
         Must take e-learning during self-health management (7 days). You can only enter TKU campus after self-health management (7 days).
  1. 保持勤洗手習慣、咳嗽禮節;每日早/晚各量體溫一次。
        Wash your hands frequently, maintain good cough etiquette and check your body temperature every morning and evening.
  1. 如沒有出現任何症狀,可正常生活,但應儘量避免出入公共場所,如需外出必須全程佩戴醫用口罩。
        Avoid going out as much as possible. Wear a medical mask at all times when going out.
  1. 如果出現發燒( 38˚C)、嗅/味覺異常、腹瀉或有呼吸道症狀,請撥打1922或聯繫衛生局,依指示就醫,且禁止搭乘大眾運輸工具前往。
        If any symptom develops, contact the district Public Health Bureau and follow their instructions to seek medical help. Do NOT take public
  1. 避免外出用餐,建議外帶食物返家食用。
        Avoid dining out. Take-out is suggested.
  1. 禁止聚餐或聚會,禁止參加大型活動。
        Gathering and crowding will not be allowed.