一、旨揭活動摘要如下:Program information
(一)時間:2024年1月14日至1月20日。Date: From January 14, 2024, to January 200,2024
(二)韓國文化及語言學習,請詳該校網站(Contents)https://international.mju.ac.kr/about/about_02.php?sMenu=eng12 (三) 費用: 美金800元(包含住宿費、學費、活動費、接送機費用,參加者另需自行負擔跨國匯款手續費、機票、保險、餐費、當地交通費、寢具租借費,機票及保險需自行購買。) Fees 1 week: USD 800
Including Accommodation, Cultural Activities Specified in the Program Below, Tuition for Korean Language Education, Airport Pick-up From/To Airport, and Dormitory
Not Including Flight Tickets, Travel Insurance, Living Costs(Such as Meals), Transportation in Korea, Bedding
二、申請資格:本校在學學生。Eligibility:TKU students
Registration deadline December 15, 2023
Registration: Please go to the school's website to download the registration form, fill in the on-campus activity log before the registration deadline for each level, and go to the school's official website to complete the registration and payment process.
(一) 填寫校內活動登錄:https://forms.gle/kSxKWAWgmU9c7c6q6
Register via the On-campus application system
(二) 該校報名:https://forms.gle/GydfR5gv2eCgxSm59
Sign in via the online link
五、其餘活動相關問題,請逕洽主辦單位Email: Inbound<mju_inbound@mju.ac.kr>。
Coordinator: Lori Ho at extension #3669
七、本活動與聯合國永續發展目標SDG4:優質教育連結、SDG17(夥伴關係)連結。Connected with Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 4:Quality Education & SDGS17 :Diversify Partnership Links