The program will start on this Saturday morning 8:30 at classroom T701. Don’t be late. If you will miss some of the classes, please fill in the leaving form.
2、第2天7月1日(星期日) 上午07:30~08:00校門口游泳館前集合出發前往蘭陽校園,請同學務必準時,逾時不候。(當日早餐請自理)
Please meet in front of the Shao-mo Memorial Natatorium Complex at 7:30 a.m. for the second day program. Don’t miss the tour bus.
3、建議攜帶物品:recommended items to bring:
- 居留證、健保卡【必備】ID card, health insurance card [required]
- 替換衣物、薄外套、個人衛生用品 clothing, personal hygiene products
- 生活用品(防曬油、外套、遮陽帽…)及雨具(摺疊式雨傘或輕便雨衣)
- 請自備個人藥品(暈車藥、萬金油、胃藥、氣管擴張器…) Bring your own personal medicine if needed.
- 筆跟筆記本 Pen and notebook.