
Date Title Category View Count
Important Hot 5/29 Corporate Visit – Galaxy Software Services 境外生相關 4782
Important Hot
TKU 2023-2024 Academic Year Graduation Ceremony _Seats for Overseas students​​​​​
境外生相關 7981
Important Anti-fraud 境外生相關 3194
Important Hot Anti-Fraud Notice Poster(中文、English、Thai、Indonesian、Vietnamese、Burmese) 境外生相關 16454
Important Hot 9 Major Epidemic Prevention Guidelines for the Third Level Alert Area 境外生相關 5015
Important Hot
Self-Health Management Notice
境外生相關 11576
Notice for scamming cases by the OCAC 境外生相關 6052
20200406 Emergency Annoucement
境外生相關 8291
Hot To prevent the occurrence of African swine fever, please do not bring any pork product into Taiwan. 境外生相關 12849
ARC Extention 境外生相關 16270