1. 外出時全程佩戴口罩。
Wear a mask all the time when going out.
2. 避免不必要移動、活動或集會,包含宗教集會。
Avoid unnecessary movement, activities or gatherings, including the religious gatherings.
3. 停止室內5人、室外10人以上的家庭聚會(同住者不計)和社交聚會。
Prohibit family and social gatherings with over 5 people indoors and 10 people outdoors (except those who live together).
4. 自我健康監測(有症狀應就醫)。
Self-health monitoring (seek medical attention if you have symptoms)
5. 營業場所及恰公機關:落實人流管制,戴口罩、保持社交距離。
Business places and government agencies: implement crowd control, wear masks, and keep social distancing.
6. 職場及工作處所:遵守企業持續營運指引之防疫規定,落實個人及工作場所衛生管理,啟動企業持續營運因應措施(如異地、遠距辦公、彈性時間上班)。
Workplaces: follow the COVID-19 epidemic prevention regulations of the guidelines for business continuous operations, implement hygiene management in personal and workplaces, and initiate business continuous operations countermeasures (such as remote locations, remote offices, flexible working hours)
7. 餐飲場所:應遵守實聯制、社交距離、隔板等防疫措施,無法落實則採外帶。
Restaurants: should comply with COVID-19 epidemic prevention measures such as the data-collecting entity, social distancing, partitions, etc. If unable to implement, please take-out.
8. 婚、喪禮:應落實實聯制、社交距離並加強清消。
Marriage and funerals: should implement the data-collecting entity, social distancing, and strengthening the sanitization.
9. 公共場域、大眾運輸加強清消。
Strengthen the sanitization of public areas and public transportation.