
Category Title Date View Count
獎助學金 Important Hot Important Information for Application for “TKU Foreign Students Financial Aid” for the Academic Year of 2023-2024 14189
校內活動 Important Hot 112-2 Chat Corner  19798
外部訊息 Important Hot 轉知國家華語測驗推動工作委員會「華語文能力測驗專案考試申請須知」及「2024年臺灣考區華語文能力測驗專案考試日程表」,詳如附件,請查照。 16513
交換生計畫 Important Hot
 2025-2026 Tamkang University Exchange Students Internal Screening Guide. (Japanese Group)
境外生相關 Important Hot The Result of Chinese Language Placement Test for the 2nd Semester of 2023~2024 12099
獎助學金 Important Recipients of the Incoming Exchange Students Scholarship for the Second Semester of 2023-24 10560
獎助學金 Important Recipients of the Outstanding Foreign Student Scholarship and Financial Aid Scholarship for the Second Semester of 2023-24 10946
外部訊息 Important Hot 【China Airlines Ltd. (Hong Kong Branch)】Recruitment information 3011
獎助學金 Important Hot Important Information for Application of the Outstanding Foreign Student Scholarship and Financial Aid Scholarship for the Second Semester of 2023-2024 Academic Year 4888
獎助學金 Important Important Information for Application of TKU Incoming Exchange Students Scholarship for the 2nd Semester of 2023~2024 11706