Ball Game competition for all international students

The ball game competition for all the international students held by OCSA
The registration starts from November 21 to November 30 (10 AM to 5PM during weekdays.)
Please come to T1001 find the OCSA member for this activity.
PLEASE NOTE: the registration online does not mean you have the qualification to play.
MUST pay the fee and fill out the required documents.
Required Documents:

The Registration Fee:
Male Basketball: 300NTD/ team (Deposit 300 :NTD)
Female 3on3 Basketball: 200NTD/ team (Deposit :150 NTD)
Volley ball: 300NTD/team (Deposit : 300NTD)
Football (Soccer): 300NTD/team (Deposit: 300NTD)
Batminton singles: 50NTD/person (Deposit: 50 NTD)
Batminton doubles (male, female, mixed doubles): 100NTD/team
Team Game Competition(e.g. Dodge Ball) : 120NTD/team (Deposit: 200NTD) 10 teams only. Every team has to have 12 team member including including 2 bench players.