- Schedule: January 14 to January 31th, 2025
- Information: Please find the flyer in Attachment 1.
- Program Fee: 260,000-290,000 Japanese Yen (including airport pickup and textbooks; accommodation costs may vary depending on the type of accommodation). For details, please refer to the following website: https://www.kindai.ac.jp/english/study-at-kindai/short-term/
- Eligibility: Tamkang University students
- TKU internal application system: https://reurl.cc/QE4DR2
- After completing the internal application system, please prepare the required documents and send them to the contact person at Kindai university.
(Japan Time).
III. The activity is connected with Sustainable Development Goals, SDG 4(Quality Education), SDG 8(Decent Work and Economic Growth) & SDG 17(Partnerships For The