交換生計畫 |
2019-10-03 |
3130 |
短期交流 |
Activity of Indonesia Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology - “CommTECH Camp Insight 2020”
2019-09-24 |
5536 |
交換生計畫 |
General regulations of exchange students for sister school in japan of the second semester of 2019~2020. Please turn in the documents of the students who were recommended before September 19th, 2019 (Thur), 5PM.
2019-09-09 |
7583 |
獎助學金 |
Announcement of the Application for Overseas Chinese Students Financial Hardship Scholarship of 2019-2020 Academic Year
2019-08-20 |
7499 |
境外生相關 |
轉知泰昇國際公司 徵才資訊(儲備幹部)
2019-08-14 |
4143 |
境外生相關 |
Application for 2019 Tamkang University I.O.M Camp now begins!
2019-06-04 |
5614 |
短期交流 |
Partner University in Japan: Nagasaki University Summer Program July 29-August 8
2019-05-28 |
13363 |
獎助學金 |
2019 Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Scholarship For Short-Term Exchange Student (General Field and Japanese Studies)
2019-04-24 |
6543 |
短期交流 |
UMAP「COIL Honors Program 2019」 Summer Program
2019-03-21 |
8429 |
短期交流 |
Korea Partner University Hanyang University 「2019 Hanyang ERICA Summer School(HESS)」
2019-03-20 |
8554 |