​The Korea Sister School Chung-Ang University “2019 International Winter Program”

  • 2018-09-21
  • Maggie Wu

1. Date: January 16, 2019 – February 11, 2019
2. Location: Chung-Ang University, Korea
3. Program Details: https://cauwinter.com/academics/
4. Program Fees: TKU students receive a 50% discount on tuition, and application
and airport pick-up fees are waived. Please see below for details:
Tuition fee 2,200,000*50%=1,100,000 1,100

224,000 230
Total 1,324,000 1,330
*Students are responsible to pay for additional foreign transaction fees,
airplane tickets, insurance, and personal expenses.
5. Application:
 Eligibility: current students of Tamkang University

 Application Documents: TKU’s Registration Form and Letter of Guarantee
 Application Procedure and Deadlines:
1. Turn in the TKU Registration Form to the Office of International Cross-
Strait Affairs (OISCA) at T1006 by November 2, 2018.
2. Complete the online application by December 10, 2018.
3. Make program fee payments to the Chung-Ang Unversity bank account
in USD by December 17, 2018.

6. Online application website: https://cauwinter.com/apply/
7. Participation in this program is considered to be for personal study purposes.
Therefore, OICSA will not issue a temporary leave of absence.
8. Program contact person: Ms. Yang Feng Xian at OICSA (ext. 2003)
An information meeting regarding the Chung-Ang University “2019 International
Winter Program” will be held on October 15 , 2018, 5:30pm - 6:30pm. If you are
interested, please register at: http://enroll.tku.edu.tw/course.aspx?cid=AU20181015