淡江大学112学年度毕业典礼 境外生专区座位公告


有关2024年6月8日毕业典礼境外生专区座位,境辅组已进行抽籤,中籤名单如附件,( https://reurl.cc/z1prkN )



Greetings to all graduates,

The 2023-2024 Graduation Ceremony Seats for all overseas students had been drawn, seating list is provided in the attachment. https://reurl.cc/z1prkN )
Please come T1001 to get your entry pass on June 5 (WED) 10 a.m. ~ 4 p.m. if you obtain the seats.
Remember admission by entry pass only!

Also, if you already got seats from your department and at the same time you got seats from us.
Please inform us your choice before May 30(THUR).

Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs