Eligibility: TKU enrolled degree students whose nationalities are
2. 奖学金名额及金额:名额3名,每名新台币 5 万元整。
Scholarship amount and quota: NTD$50,000 per recipient; up to 3 recipients
3. 申请条件:上一学年度学业成绩平均87分以上或全班排名前10%以内、品行优良,操行成绩每学期达80分以上(含80分以上),以公共服务、特殊表现着为遴选重点。
Qualification: Completed at least one year in TKU, with an average academic grade of 87 or above (or rank top 10% of class) for the previous academic year. Must be of good behavior, does not have any bad records, and scored 80 points or above in the current semester for Conduct
4. 申请时间:即日起至2019年3月20日 (5:00 pm)。
Application period: Now through March 20th, 2019 (5:00 pm)
5. 申请文件:请详申请表格。
Application document: Please refer to the application form
6. 申请程序&方式:请详淡江大学「泰昇国际公司新南向奖学金赞助计画」申请要点。请于2019年3月20日(5:00 pm)前,将申请表及相关应备资料缴交至境外生辅导组 T1001 (Ms. Eva Lee)。
Application procedure: Please submit the application form and the required documents to Ms. Eva Lee at T1001 before the deadline: March 20th, 2019 (5:00 pm)